Monday, June 27, 2011

Different Sense-Dir en Grey: The Sound, the Visuals, and the Possible Meaning.

Listening to: Rapunzel by Emilie Autumn

Different Sense has been released! And at the time, I was working, and I was very surprised when I got home. The reason being was the music, of course! I loved it! But the promotional video and individual pictures, where a different kind of shock-
(From left: Toshiya, Kaoru, Kyo, Shinya, Die)

I haven't been able to figure out if the zombie effect comes from digital uses or a make-up artist yet. Chances are it's probably a little bit of both. I was honestly most surprised by the fact they where wearing make-up, which is what I assumed it to be at the time. They haven't done it in a while. If it's make-up, that's one hell of a make-up artist. You can tell the boys really enjoyed this. I can't imagine they didn't. 

As for the sound, it's pretty complex. There are different four guitar parts, apparently, that over lap, played by two guitarists. In the chorus, there is the melody, and then there is the screaming, or whatever you call it. Both parts are done by Kyo. There are other parts in the song where Die, Kaoru, and Toshiya yell/growl, but not in the chorus. The drumming is pretty rapid. And seeing as Shinya's drums have expanded over the years, he's going to progressively explore the limits of his set. At parts it feels like a racing heart multiplied by three, so it really get's your adrenaline going if you really get into the song (but some people don't.) And the Bass part is far from boring; Toshiya is all over the finger board, and the song in general is fast. About 3 and 1/2 minutes through the song, the Bass has an individual part that is recognizable. And then it goes into the chorus again. 

I'm really really excited about the guitar part, mostly because I play guitar and that's a part I tend to pay a lot of attention to, but the solo, or duet as I have now found out, is epic. Kaoru starts right after the chorus. And the Die comes in, and eventually they both have two hands on the finger board. Right before the part with the Bass I was talking about earlier, there is a guitar part that reminds me of the previous single , 'Lotus,' for some reason. And then you got the guitar part going on in the chorus, too. You could not play this song with just chords, and when there are chords, it's more like a rapid pulse then anything else. There are other parts that I think would be hard rhythms to play.
(Album art for the single 'Different Sense')

I'm really looking forward to seeing this song live, and see how they handle this song. They have had tricky songs before, that have more guitar parts then there is guitarists, as well as more vocal parts then there is Kyos. Most of the time the crowd will take the part Kyo isn't singing. And even in the U.S., they sing the Japanese Lyrics, which Kaoru has said he has been touched by. 

The Music Video, or as the call it in Japan, Promotional Video, had content hinted by the band managers before it was released. All I remember was something about anime, before I watched it. Well, after I watched, I now know, that it was just anime- it was hentai anime. Hentai is a form a Japanese porn to be short. Lots and lots of tentacles, but with zombies (band members) at the same time. Don't worry, no members were touched by the tentacles. But speaking of shots, I really have to hand it to the cameramen. The guitar and bass angles they had where unusual and are not the easiest to get. I'm sure, because it's hard to stay in one place when you are getting into the music with an instrument in your hands. They switch between anime and live scenes, along with band scenes, which the camera angles were not bad in either. The cameras took some rolling shots on the ground. Band members flashed between their usual selves and being zombies, which makes me think that it isn't make up and it's just special effects. Overall, the music video was kind of one that didn't make much sense, or maybe it just made a different sense. There wasn't much of a plot or anything, though it has a little progression but that's about it. It wasn't my favorite video of there's personally. 

I wondered if the anime clips they used where already from an anime, or if they had animators come in and do something new. I could see it going both ways seeing that they have used television clips before, like ones from WWII. Or if they wanted to get a certain feel, they could have had animators do it a particular way. Also, for another question- Is there a censored or uncensored version option this time around? Songs like 'Obscure' had two different versions, because one was only allowed to be televised and another was just the expression Dir en Grey was trying to get across fully. But, I have yet to hear if 'Different Sense' will be one of those. Different countries have different censors... different senses. 

I read a version of the translated lyrics. And yes, Kyo's lyrics have never been the easiest to understand right away, and they are good that way; different to every person. To me, it sounds like the themes have to deal with being sheltered and lying to ones self about who they really are. And probably some trauma in there too, leading to the sheltered behavior. Through out the song "Our Blackened Sun" is mentioned, and at the end "blue sky" is mentioned. So, I took that as the light is blinding. And the last lines are "With the future before you. Yes.. What does the blue sky mean?" So, finally this person is waking up. I find it interesting Kyo uses 'our' as in plural, and then uses 'you' as in singular at the end. I found the lyrics fascinating. Not only in his lyrics, but also in Kyo's writing to the fans, he sends some interesting messages that get me thinking. 

Sense Hageshisa, Lotus, and Different Sense have come out so great, I'm really looking forward to the music and lyrics in the upcoming album! And the future Dir en Grey!

The version of translated Lyrics I looked at was on this page- 
It was posted on 22nd of June if you have a hard time finding it. :)

EDIT- (Nov. 20, 2011) Now that a few months has past, and live photos have been released, I can now conclude that there is a kick ass make up artist behind this.  :D

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Instruments... The World is Full of Them.

Listening to: Because I'm Beautiful (SS501 vs. Akon)- DJ MASA

...And I play very few of them it feels like.
First of, I love my violin. And I'm not going to post a picture of him here, but I have some other pictures of violins that make up for it. One of the things I have recently taking a liking to is electric violins. I play violin in a Jazz Combo (slightly strange, I know) and I had difficulty playing over the brass and the amped  guitars. And the school had a few electric violins, so I tried them out- I loved them. They weren't easy to get used to at first, but I eventually caught on. I started off playing a four sting, but due to other people needing it, I discovered a five string. :) Getting it tuned took a while, because it needed an allen wretch. The 5-string electric violin is a Zeta, and they don't make them anymore sadly. 
But as for really cool looking electric violins, I found these (Ted Brewer):
These 5-string Vivo's are a more modern looking type; it's electric, so I guess that's modern enough. They are transparent, which is exciting. I think lighting can be involved with these, but I'm not sure how.

This is a crossbow- looks more elegant than the Vivo in my opinion.

I don't believe this is a Ted Brewer violin, and I'm not sure about it's make, but it shows how artistic (or detailed) you can get with customized instruments. 

Currently, I share a traditional Chinese violin, called an Erhu, with one of my friends. She is much better at it then I am. We bought it when we where in a China Town, and our room mates for the week had to listen to us play it until 2am one night. This is not our instrument, but it's what it looks like. :)
It's basically an A and a D string. And you play it on your lap with the bow in between the two strings, so doing lifts is almost impossible. I'm pretty sure the first thing we attempted to play on the Erhu, by ear, was   Lady Gaga's Bad Romance. There's a guy on Youtube that did a pretty good job of it, and that's where we got the idea. 
While I'm on the topic of Chinese instruments, I also really want a GuZheng (Chinese Zither), which is similar to the Japanese Koto, but with more strings. I always thought Kotos where cool, but for some reason, I am now drawn to the GuZheng. Maybe it's the style of music, but I can't be sure. 

This one is really gorgeous, and I really like the purple-ish tint. Unfortunately, a Guzheng is a lot more expensive than an Erhu.  

As far as Guitars go, I play two acoustics (though one is probably too small for me) and one electric. It's your basic Fender Strat, and it isn't the nicest one either. But, at this moment it works for me. 
But if I had to get any guitar, I would want an ESP hands down.  Especially after seeing Die's (Dir en Grey) custom guitars, and Kaoru's too. I would be curious to know what the Edward's signature models feel like, and even what the real deal is like, but I doubt that will ever happen. It probably has something to do with Die being my idol that made like this instrument. But I think it's only a part of why. I really looked around in terms of shapes and I came up with little styles that I liked as much. And of course, looks are only part of an instrument. Some would argue differently, but if you're already expressing yourself through the sounds the instrument makes, you may as well add some visuals. 
The D-DR-300 is probably my favorite out of all Die's electric guitars. :) I decided to leave my guitar and amp at my dad's house for the summer. Sad Day. But I do have an acoustic here, too!  

Last year, we moved out of a house that had a piano. Previously, we didn't pay much for it, because it came with the house. But then it came time for us to move out. We tried to move it, but again we had the same trouble moving it as the last owners did. And we left it for the people who where next in line. Maybe it just didn't want to leave... It was out of tune anyway. I would really like to replace it some day, or buy a keyboard, because of the lack of space in our new house for a piano. Thankfully, the school has pianos if I ever get really desperate. 

I tried to pre-order Dir en Grey's Different Sense the other day. I had enough money to get the CD and pay about ten dollars shipping at the most, but shipping was even more than ten dollars. So, unless I wanted to wait a month to get it, I would have to wait until I got payed, after the single comes out. Which is fine. :) Because it came out on the 22nd in Japan, it really came out on the 21st here, in the US. Yes, I have heard it. And Yes, I will buy it! The guitar solo is amazing, and I have already heard a great cover of it as well. I am really looking forward to this album in August! 

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Schools Out!

Listening to: Lady by Regina Spektor

Schools finally out! Personally, it was a stressful year, but I'm really looking forward to next year. And also to the rest of this summer! I got a job, so I'm pretty excited about that. The only things I'm going to miss from school this summer are friends and Chinese class. I had it first hour, and I really don't think I could have gotten out of bed with out knowing I had an amazing class and teacher waiting for me. (I'm not 'a morning person,' even when I want to be.) It would be painful to be a morning person- It's three in the morning right now.

Now that school is out, and I am at my mom's house, I am in the presence of a piano 24-7. My mom would disagree though, considering I'm not always home. I have been playing it a lot. And I'm trying to learn a few K-pop songs along with a few easier songs that are more commonly heard in the States. I'm not good, I just have to throw that out there, and I will not be attempting the titles with five flats for quite some time. On the down side, I had to leave my electric guitar and amp at my dad's house. Sad day.

Anyway, 'Lotus' turned out to be pretty awesome.I was really impressed when I discovered Die was the one to come forward with the beginning concept of  'Lotus.'  And Dir en Grey is about to release 'Different Sense' as a single in the next week. I have once again procrastinated in pre-ordering it. I'm going to try and do that tomorrow. Not to mention, 'Dum Spiro Spero' is the new album ready to be released to shelves in August! The album art is fantastic, too. I love it.
This has been the longest period between releasing albums they have ever had; it;s over two years. But that doesn't mean they were slacking off in anyway. They have been touring a lot, and when they haven't they were working on this album.

As for that Cranberries album (To the Faithful Departed, 1996) I received over winter break, I like it. I know it's not the most favorite among people who are familiar with their work. There is some repetitiveness that I was able to identify; and not just in the song names, but also the music itself. The best example is probably the opening  to 'Electric Blue' was a new version of the ending to 'Daffodil Lament.' While it I do like 'Electric Blue,' I feel the 'Daffodil Lament' original just had more character to it.  'Hollywood' was a great way to start the album. The lyrics are have a realization to them. I also really enjoyed the guitar part. And Dolores's voice, just as I do  in every song. This was probably my first favorite song off this album, but after that I did go on to really enjoy 'Electric Blue.' It's a progressing song. At the moment, the last track, 'Bosnia,' is my favorite. The lyrics are meaningful, and the melody is nice. A brass section is brought eventually as well, along with a younger choir. It's a little slow in the beginning like 'Electric Blue,' but it progresses a little farther with the multiple voice parts and instruments. 'Joe' is very sweet and content song. It has a lightly breezy summers day feel to it; something that involves water as well. 'Forever Yellow Skies' is possibly the most upbeat song on the album, in contrast to 'I Just Shot John Lennon,' which is not meant to be a sad song. 'I Just Shot John Lennon' is closer to 'Salvation' in style. The sad songs included 'When You're Gone' and 'War Child.' Overall I really liked this album. And that could just be because I just like the Cranberries, and if their sound varies from album to album it doesn't bother me as much for some reason. They are one of my favorite bands. 'To the Faithful Departed' didn't surpass 'No Need to Argue' as an album, but there where a few tracks that are worth remembering. I hadn't listened to a lot off the album before I got it, so it was nice to listen to something that came after 'No Need to Argue' and 'Everyone Else is Doing it, So Why Can't We?' Definitely glad I have this album.

Recently I have been found bliss in K-pop mash-ups. Especially DJ Masa's mixes; he has quite a few songs put together. And I have enjoyed some of them, more than the originals, or equally the same. Like 'Bad Nobody'- Lady Gaga vs. 2NE1. It's addicting.